To our night owls

Membership fees, donations and receipts

It could all be so easy.

With CiviContribute you can receive donations, membership fees, participation fees and campaign donations online and offline and still keep track of things.

Invoices for your membership fees and events can be sent with CiviCRM as well as a personalized thank you message for every donation.

Record donations and membership fees

Creating and sending invoices online

as well as donation receipts

Collecting SEPA mandates


No more hassle with accounting

No more stress at the end of the year

Collecting more donations


Managing members

Managing members can be fun too.

With CiviCRM you manage the memberships in your organization more efficiently.

Set membership fees at any staggered level and automatically send the invoices for them.

Your prospective customers can take out a membership online and pay online or by bank transfer.

Spend less time on easier management and focus on your channels and key activities.

  • Taking out memberships online
  • Automatic billing
  • Recurring membership fees
  • Different pricing models
  • Easy import of existing memberships
  • Automatic confirmation messages
  • Caring for members efficiently
  • Enormous time savings

Your members want more interaction.

Give them what they want.

CiviCRM also makes it easy to provide assistance and care for clients:

Contact us